School Uniforms
At TCS our students wear a school uniform each day as we believe it will foster a more peaceful, simple, and distraction-free environment.
We have a daily uniform as well as an official uniform. The official uniform is typically worn on special days. Students may, however, wear the official uniform items on regular school days as well. Polo shirts may be purchased from any vendor but please make sure they are solid without any logos. The same is true for pants, shorts, skirts, and skorts. Our school colors are navy, white, heather gray, and kelly green therefore polos and polo dresses of these colors may be worn. Most uniform bottoms can be worn in navy or khaki.
The spirit behind our uniform policy is to keep students from being noticed solely by their appearance or distracted by appearance while in school. At TCS, we give parents the freedom to choose where to purchase uniform items. To help keep uniforms consistent, we ask that items be purchased from the uniform section of the store when possible and be similar in style to the example items in our uniform guidelines. Along those lines, items should not be embellished (no sequins, sparkles, etc), fabrics should be kept basic (no tulle, lace, etc), skirts/jumpers should be of moderate length, and branding should not be visible (with the exception of outerwear not worn in the classroom). If needed, we may contact you if your student’s appearance does not align with the TCS guidelines. Parents may be asked to bring in the proper uniform item(s) for the student to change. On official uniform days, students may be asked to change into an official uniform item (if available), or parents will be required to bring in the proper uniform.
Dialectic/Rhetoric students will also be made aware of any uniform discrepancies by a member of the Dialectic/Rhetoric staff (male students by a male teacher; female students by a female teacher).
Uniform guidelines for Grammar students (k - 5th grade), Dialectic students (6th - 8th grade), and Rhetoric students (9th - 12th grade) are available below.